Logo du restaurant Lek Thai Chef

Lek Thai Chef

Av. Gaston Mertens 2, 1440 Braine-le-Château
0471 03 24 44

Lek Thai Chef is a fine dining Thai restaurant located in the heart of Wauthier-Braine, housed in a 150 year old house with a lovely terrace garden.

Our chef

Meet our chef

Chef de Cuisine Somnuk Insiripong (known by his nickname Lek) was born and raised in the province of Isan, northwest of Thailand.  Having developed a passion for cooking at a young age, Lek learnt the basics of Thai Cuisine from his mother.  She showed him how cooking food wrapped in banana leaves can enhance flavours, as well as how to create his own curry paste by using a mortar and pestle to create and personalize his own spices.

To perfect his passion, Lek pursued the Oriental Hotel culinary school at the renown Mandarin Oriental in Bangkok.

Today, Lek enjoys sharing his love of food from his native homeland with you.

Chef du restaurant entrain de cueiller des plantes aromatiques
Plat végétarien du restaurrant Lek Thai Chef
Plat de différents curry du restaurrant Lek Thai Chef


Contact us using this form.

Av. Gaston Mertens 2, 1440 Braine-le-Château
0471 03 24 44

Logo de Lek Thai chef

Fermeture jusqu'au 14 janvier 2025

We will be closed until January 14th 2025.
Wij zijn gesloten tot en met 14 januari 2025.
Nous serons fermés jusqu’au 14 janvier 2025 inclus.

We wish you a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year !
The Lek Thai Chef team.